Ney Lessons

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Ney Lessons - 14 -

Dem Sounds

 In this lesson, we study "dem sesler" (the sounds in the lowest octave).

They are the most difficult sounds to get from a ney.

 They are the most difficult sounds to get from a Ney.

  You will see the Voices from the Sol note of the Porte down to the Re note:

  You will see the Voices from the Re note of the Porte down to the Sol note:

 We will now examine the most popular dem voices:





 Look at the picture below:

 Rast Perdesi






 Look at the picture below:

 Normal �fleme Pozisyonu

 Turn our head to the left a bit

 Irak Perdesi

  We tighten our mouth:

 Normal �fleme Pozisyonu





 Yukarıda gördüğünüz örnek notaların sesleri, aşağıdaki gibi olmalıdır.






Curtains that we will close:

RIGHT HAND: All our fingers are open.

LEFT HAND: All our fingers are open:

We hold our right hand middle finger and left hand middle finger to hold what we do.

We blow our head in the normal Ney blowing position, we do not turn left or right:

  Acem A?iran Perdesi






 Look at the picture below:

 Normal �fleme Pozisyonu

Curtains that we will close:

RIGHT HAND: All our fingers are open.

LEFT HAND: All our fingers are open:

We hold our right hand middle finger and left hand middle finger to hold what we do.

In the Picture Below you see our normal blowing position:

Turn my head to the left:

 H�seynia?iran A?iran Perdesi




Let's clarify the sounds of Hüseyniaşiran and Acemaşiran a little more:


Mi bemol ( 4 Koma ) NOTE :


 Look at the picture below:

 Normal �fleme Pozisyonu

Turn my head to the left:

 Kaba Hisar Perdesi

  Close half asiran hole

 Kabahisar Perdesi




Mi bemol ( 5 Koma ) NOTE :


 Look at the picture below:

 Normal �fleme Pozisyonu

Turn my head to the left:

 Kaba Hisar Perdesi

 Close half, acemasiran hole:

 Kabahisar Perdesi






 Look at the picture below:







Curtains that we will close:

RIGHT HAND: Aşiran Curtain, Our Thumb.

LEFT HAND: Our Middle Finger.

Check the picture below:

 Kaba Nim hicaz perdesi />






 Look at the picture below:

 Kaba �argah perdesi

Curtains that we will close:

RIGHT HAND: The Ashran Curtain, Our Thumb and Middle Finger.

LEFT HAND: Our Middle Finger.

Check the picture below:






 Look at the picture below:

 Kaba Buselik perdesi

 Note:In practice, our right-hand ring finger is not completely closed,

but about 3/4 of it is closed and the screen is slightly tinted



 Kabahisar Perdesi

 Yukarıda gördüğünüz örnek notaların sesleri, aşağıdaki gibi olmalıdır.






Curtains that we will close:

RIGHT HAND: Our Ashiran Curtain, Our Thumb, Middle Finger and Ring Finger.

LEFT HAND: Our Middle Finger.

Check the picture below:

 Kaba Segah perdesi



 Segah Perdesi

 Yukarıda gördüğünüz notaların sesleri, aşağıdaki gibi olmalıdır.






Curtains that we will close:

RIGHT HAND: Our curtain of Ashiran, our thumb, our middle finger and our ring finger.

LEFT HAND: More than half of our thumb.

Check the picture below:

 Kaba K�rdi  perdesi






Curtains that we will close:

RIGHT HAND: Our Ashiran Curtain, Our Thumb, Middle Finger and Ring Finger.

LEFT HAND: Our Thumb and Middle Finger.

Check the picture below:

 Kaba D�gah  perdesi



 Kaba dügah ve kaba dik kürdi notes;

 Kabadikkürdi Perdesi

  The sounds of the sample notes you see above should be as follows.



 Kabakürdi Perdesi

 Kaba dügah ve kaba kürdi notes

  The sounds of the sample notes you see above should be as follows.



 We played different notes in the same position.




 Curtains that we will close:


Our Thumb, Finger, Middle Finger and Ring Finger.

LEFT HAND: Our index finger is more than half of our middle finger and ring finger.

Check the picture below:

 Kaba Nim Zirg�le  perdesi

  Important note:

In practice, our left ring finger is not closed completely,

3/4 of it is closed and the curtain is slightly highlighted.






 Curtains that we will close:


Our Thumb, Finger, Middle Finger and Ring Finger.

LEFT HAND: Our index finger is more than half of our middle finger and ring finger.

Check the picture below:

 Kaba Nim Zirg�le  perdesi

  Important note:

In practice, our left ring finger is not closed completely,

3/4 of it is closed and the curtain is slightly highlighted.






 Curtains that we will close:

 RIGHT HAND: Our Thumb, Finger, Middle Finger and Ring Finger.

  LEFT HAND: Our Index Finger, Middle Finger, and Ring Finger.

  In other words, All Our Fingers.

  Check the picture below:

 Kaba Rast  perdesi



 Re between Sol:




 These are the things we need to know about dem sounds.

After this stage, we can improve ourselves by blowing long, long sound.

Listen to all the voices of the Master Neyzens and try to imitate those Neyzens.

Especially Aka Gündüz Kutbay, Niyazi Sayın, about dem sounds

I strongly recommend Neyzens like Ömer Erdoğdular.



My favorite music phrases are as follows:

Here are the basic music phrases I created from my head;

It is useful to think of the metronome at the first stage by 60 and then speed it up later.


 Bu notayı okumakta zorlanırsanız bir oktav aşağıdan üflemeniz koşuluyla şu notayı örnek verebiliriz:




 Let's perform our same Dem Sound work with the click sound:





  If you have difficulty reading this note, we can give the following note as long as you blow an octave below:







 If you have difficulty reading this note, we can give the following note as long as you blow an octave below:




 Let's perform our same Dem Sound work with a click sound:





 Bu notayı okumakta zorlanırsanız bir oktav aşağıdan üflemeniz koşuluyla şu notayı örnek verebiliriz:




 Let's perform our same Dem Sound work with a click sound:


 Alternative Video:





 If you have trouble reading this note, we can give the following note as long as you blow an octave below.:




 Let's perform our same Dem Sound work with a click sound:






 If you have difficulty reading this note, we can give the following note as long as you blow an octave below:




 Aynı Dem Ses çalışmamızı klik sesi ile icra edelim:


 Alternative Video:



 7. Cümle


 Bu notayı okumakta zorlanırsanız bir oktav aşağıdan üflemeniz koşuluyla şu notayı örnek verebiliriz:




 Now let us perform the same Dem Ses work in a certain rhythm and more professionally:


 Alternative Video:



 To strengthen our dem sounds, we should blow long sounds as I mentioned in all lessons.

  Let's start blowing from the Yegah curtain,

 Let's blow long straight sound until the coarse screen curtain.

 Let's work separately for the voices I mentioned in the above videos,

 For example, it would be sufficient to blow 100 beats a day.


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